Mission Statement

Our Blank Slate

Jesus Christ willingly went to the Cross, died and arose again 3 days later, to accomplish the desires of His Father, bringing us forgiveness for our sins through His sacrifice. God the Father has the strongest desire to bring "those" He created back to Him. From the Garden of Eden we, His created masterpieces, have struggled to find our way back home again.

The Vision of the Cross of N. Alabama is simple and yet profound; Bring all people together for a single purpose. Honor God, serve Him, live for Him. Our mission is to build a significant cross and place it overlooking the heart of Morgan County for all its citizens to see and admire, yet a place for ALL to come to and lay their burdens at its feet. The cross we build will be "The lighthouse on the hillside, overlooking stormy seas". Jesus calming the storms of life is the message of the cross.